Shell Java Python PHP


Welcome to the TelQ Telecom API! You can use our REST API to obtain the list of our available networks, send tests, consult your test results, manage your SMPP sessions and suppliers and more.

API Versions

API Version 3

We recommend our new customers to use this version of the API.

API v3 Update Description
Live number testing API With this version, we have introduced the possibility to create Live number testing tests via API. This means our users will be able to specify all the parameters of their SMPP tests, including the sender, text and supplier via which the test SMS will be sent.
For more information, see: Live Number Testing
Sessions and suppliers API We have introduced the possibility for our users to manage their Sessions and Suppliers on our testing platform directly via API.
For more information, see: Sessions and Suppliers
Batch test results We have also implemented new API for retrieving test results, which will give our users the option to navigate through all of their Live and Manual testing test results.
For more information see related sections: Manual Testing and Live Number Testing
Networks filtered by MCC/MNC Last, but not least, we have included optional parameters in the /networks endpoint, which means our users can now request the available networks based on the specified MCC and MNC

Switching to API v3 from our older API versions

Since we now implemented REST API also for our Live number testing, we decided to modify some of the existing endpoints and parameters in Manual testing API in order to be consistent with the new Live number testing API. Please see all the relevant changes below:

Retrieve Test Results Endpoint

Change v2.1 v3
Endpoint URL GET /client/results/{testId} GET /client/tests/{testId}
Field renamed testStatus receiptStatus1
Field added - phoneNumber2

1testStatus parameter in the test result response has been renamed to receiptStatus to be consistent with our UI naming
2Phone number is now included in the test results' response, within destinationNetworkDetails

Test Submission Endpoint (POST /client/tests)

Change Field Description
Fields removed testIdTextType
These fields have been removed in v3 POST /client/tests response body in order to only keep the essential information in the response to the test submission request

API Version 2.1

In this version, we introduced a new feature that gives our users fine control over the test-id-text to be used within tests.

API Version 2.0

In this version we simplified and standardized our models and provided additional information when available. We provided new features like custom test TTL and callback tokens.

API Version 1.5 and lower

Version 1.5 of the API continues to be supported.

Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 have been deprecated and are not supported anymore.

OpenAPI Specification

OpenAPI 3.0 specification for our new API v3 is now public at:

You can find the OpenAPI 2.0 specification for our older v2.1 API at our swagger hub page:

You can obtain autogenerated SDKs for many popular programming languages from this specification.

TelQ Telecom API SDKs

Coming soon for our new API v3...

To simplify the integration of our API, you can use one of the SDKs that we have prepared:

Programming language Resource Latest supported version
Java maven v1.3.3
Python pypi 1.3.0
PHP github v2.0.1

Select the corresponding tab (Java/Python/PHP) from the panel on the right for instructions on how to perform the corresponding operations using our SDKs.


Authentication example:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -X POST ""
    -H "accept: application/json"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"appId\": 000001, \"appKey\": \"keykeykeykey\"}"
# Make sure to replace `000001` with your appId and `keykeykeykey` with your appKey
    With our Java SDK you simply need to initialise
    TelqApi with your app key and app id.
TelqApi telqApi = new TelqApi("<yourAppKey>", "<yourAppId>");
from telq import TelQTelecomAPI
telq_client = TelQTelecomAPI()

test_client.authenticate(api_id="<yourAppKey>", api_key="<yourAppId>")
#  Make sure to pass your app key and app id in the authenticate call.
#  Furthermore, keep in mind that your token will be automatically requested, but if for any reason
#  you destruct the test client, you will have to initialize it again with your app key and id.
use TelQ\Sdk\Api;
use TelQ\Sdk\Http\HttpException;

$appId = <APPID>;
$appKey = <APPKEY>;

$api = new Api($appId, $appKey);
try {
    // call api
} catch (HttpException $exception) {
    echo 'Handle http exception', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Response code ', $exception->getResponse()->getStatus(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Response body ', $exception->getResponse()->getBody(), PHP_EOL;

The above command returns:

  "ttl": 86400,
  "value": "WDoskdWWDkdjsaSWWWSSsht/knEQGAE+MH+mwa9sqSD
  *  The code above will return an instance of TelqApi client that has been initialized.
  # The code above will return an instance of TelQ API Client that has been initialized.
  The code above will return an instance of TelQTestClient that has been initialized.

TelQ uses API keys (appId, appKey) to provide access to the API. You can find your App ID and generate your App Key on the API Menu of the TelQ App.

In order to use our APIs, follow these steps:

Step 1: Obtain the Token using the appId and appKey through the /token REST endpoint. The Bearer Token is used for authorization purposes in all subsequent calls. The TTL (Time to live) of the token is 86400 seconds (24 hours), hence the new token has to be re-created upon the expiration.

This is an image

Step 2: When calling our /tests endpoints, use the value returned from the /token endpoint as the Authorization header. (Bearer Token)

We expect for the Token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer WDoskdWWDkdjsaSWWWSSsht/kn+ca3C9BbWvYDmSWWDDpppmdkdg6ilXwfGAfrjuBsW+ZFBpZAN14NhJjRbuCshZ/JsN5NKMNkdsadsaddaassssdds67Cp19q6rLgjdd0ctYmXyxh9bMiR8+B4q/nSOS3UPmScv9CsoRp7q9vqyOOT37GYHEyXTSifpK5e7/oy40jnXLfsYYma8q2HByPQvOK0=

If you are testing via Swaggerhub, you can click on the "Authorize" button in the user interface, input the returned value and click on "Authorize".




In API v3, you can use some or all the optional parameters mcc, mnc and portedFromMnc to filter the list of networks:


curl -X GET ""
  -H "accept: application/json"
  Keep in mind that to use TelQTestClient,
  first you need to initialise it with your app key and app id.
  List<Network> networks =;

  // You can also filter the list of networks by mcc and mnc
  networks ="631",null);
  networks =,"02");
  networks =, null, "01");
available_networks =

# Keep in mind that to use TelQTelecomAPI,
# first you need to initialise it with your app key and app id (step above).
$networks = $api->getNetworks();
foreach ($networks as $network) {
    echo 'Mcc: ', $network->getMcc(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Country name: ', $network->getCountryName(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Mnc: ', $network->getMnc(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Provider name: ', $network->getProviderName(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Ported from mnc: ', $network->getPortedFromMnc() ?: 'empty', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Ported from provider name: ', $network->getPortedFromProviderName() ?: 'empty', PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Networks: ', count($networks), PHP_EOL;

The above command returns:

    "mcc": "262",
    "countryName": "Germany",
    "mnc": "02",
    "providerName": "Vodafone",
    "portedFromMnc": "07",
    "portedFromProviderName": "Provider"
    "mcc": "505",
    "countryName": "Australia",
    "mnc": "02",
    "providerName": "Optus"
  This will return the list of all available networks at the current moment.
  Keep in mind, that this list updated frequently and it's not recommended to use this list to initiate tests after
  a long time has passed.
#  This will return the list of all available networks at the current moment.
#  Keep in mind, that this list updated frequently and it's not recommended to use this list to initiate tests after
#  a long time has passed.
  This will return the list of all available networks at the current moment.
  Keep in mind, that this list updated frequently and it's not recommended to use this list to initiate tests after
  a long time has passed.

This endpoint retrieves the list of our currently available Networks.
The returned values (mcc, mnc, portedFromMnc) will be used in the /tests endpoint to request test numbers.
Test messages should then be sent from your system to these numbers to perform the test.

Header Parameters

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization


Parameter Required Default Description
mcc no null Return only the networks with this MCC.
mcc is the Mobile Country Code, as defined by The ITU-T Recommendation E.212. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc no null Return only the networks with this MNC.
mnc is the Mobile Network Code, as defined by The ITU-T Recommendation E.212. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc no null Return only the networks ported from this MNC.
You may set this parameter to null to select only non-ported networks.

Response body

        "mcc": "231",
        "countryName": "Slovakia",
        "mnc": "02",
        "providerName": "Telekom",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "portedFromProviderName": null
        "mcc": "231",
        "countryName": "Slovakia",
        "mnc": "03",
        "providerName": "Swan",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "portedFromProviderName": null
... more networks

JSON Request Object Get Networks

Object/Key Data Type Description
mcc string The Mobile Country Code
mnc string The Mobile Network Code
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code of the network from which the number has been ported
countryName string The name of the country
providerName string The name of the provider
portedFromProviderName string The name of the provider from which the number has been ported

Manual Testing

Create MT tests



Request example:

  "destinationNetworks": [
      "mcc": "208",
      "mnc": "10",
      "portedFromMnc": "20"

New in 3.0: You may now specify the test number directly instead of MCC and MNC.

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"destinationNetworks\": [ { \"mcc\": \"208\",
      \"mnc\": \"10\", \"portedFromMnc\": \"20\" } ] }"
# Specify number directly ...
  "destinationNetworks": [
  "testIdTextType": "ALPHA_NUMERIC",
  "testIdTextCase": "MIXED",
  "testIdTextLength": "8",
  "maxCallbackRetries": 1,
  "testTimeToLiveInSeconds": 200
TestRequest testRequest = TestRequest.builder()

List<Test> requestedTests =;
destinationNetworks = [
        "mcc": "206",
        "mnc": "10",
        "portedFromMnc": "20"
        "mcc": "716",
        "mnc": "06"

# A request with only the mandatory (networks) parameter set up within the test client
# object will have this structure:

requested_tests =
use TelQ\Sdk\Models\Destination;
use TelQ\Sdk\Models\Tests;

// new Destination('mcc', 'mnc', 'ported from mnc')
$sendTests = Tests::fromArray([
    'destinationNetworks' => [
        new Destination('222', '36', '10'),
        new Destination('505', '01')
$tests = $api->sendManualTests($sendTests);
foreach ($tests as $test) {
    echo 'Id: ', $test->getId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'PhoneNumber: ', $test->getPhoneNumber(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'TestIdText: ', $test->getTestIdText(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Error message: ', $test->getErrorMessage() ?: 'empty', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Destination:', PHP_EOL;
    echo '    Mcc: ', $test->getDestinationNetwork()->getMcc(), PHP_EOL;
    echo '    Mnc: ', $test->getDestinationNetwork()->getMnc(), PHP_EOL;
    echo '    Ported from mnc: ', $test->getDestinationNetwork()->getPortedFromMnc() ?: 'empty', PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;

This Endpoint receives a list with the Destination Networks where you want to send your tests. For each requested network, a test will be created if the network is still available at the time of the test request. Keep in mind that networks can go offline sometimes after the results from the /networks endpoint have been returned.

From 2.1: To use the dynamic test-id-text feature, you need to provide the testIdTextType with one of the options: "ALPHA", "ALPHA_NUMERIC", "NUMERIC" or "WHATSAPP_CODE". You can also specify the length and case (when applicable). Consult the parameters table for more details. Remember to include your token for Authorization. You can provide a callback URL to receive updates whenever the status of your tests changes. This is optional, as you can also view test results through the /tests endpoint.

Header Parameters  

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization
results-callback-token null If you would like to authenticate our Test Results Callbacks, you can send an authentication token in this parameter. It will be included as the Authorization bearer token of the callbacks we make to your server.

Request body  

A request body with all the optional values has the following structure:

  "destinationNetworks": [
      "mcc": "206",
      "mnc": "10",
      "portedFromMnc": "20"
      "mcc": "716",
      "mnc": "06",
  "resultsCallbackUrl": "",
  "testIdTextType": "ALPHA_NUMERIC",
  "testIdTextCase": "MIXED",
  "testIdTextLength": "6",
  "maxCallbackRetries": 1,
  "testTimeToLiveInSeconds": 200
List<Network> networks = new ArrayList<>();

  Network network_1 = Network.builder()

  Network network_2 = Network.builder()


  int maxCallBackRetries = 1;
  String resultsCallbackUrl = "";
  int testTimeToLive = 200;
  String callBackToken = "peHWFdAXikjzmMgqPTwhpeHWFdAXikjzmMgqPTwhpeHWFdAXikjzmMgqPTwh";

  TestIdTextOptions testIdTextOptions = TestIdTextOptions.builder()

  TestRequest testRequest = TestRequest.builder()

  List<Test> requestedTests =;

requested_tests =
requested_tests =

$sendTests = Tests::fromArray([
    'destinationNetworks' => [
        new Destination('222', '36', '10'),
        new Destination('505', '01')
    'resultsCallbackUrl' => '',
    'maxCallbackRetries' => 3,
    'testIdTextType' => 'ALPHA',
    'testIdTextCase' => 'MIXED',
    'testIdTextLength' => 6,
    'testTimeToLiveInSeconds' => 3600

The above command returns:

    "id": 894562,
    "phoneNumber": "33611223344",
    "testIdText": "zlrtyrvdl",
    "errorMessage": "null",
    "destinationNetwork": {
      "mcc": "206",
      "mnc": "10",
      "portedFromMnc": "20"
#  This test initiation returns a List of Tests, test response consists of data describing a single test
#  initialized. Careful not to lose your test id. Otherwise you won't be able to retrieve test results from our API.
  This test initiation returns a List of Tests, test response consists of data describing a single test
  initialized. Careful not to lose your test id. Otherwise you won't be able to retrieve test results from our API.

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
destinationNetworks array required The list of networks you want to issue tests to. Empty or null value will return an error.
mcc string required The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string required The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc string optional null The Mobile Network Code from which the number you are requesting was ported from.
resultsCallbackUrl string optional null The callback URL where you would like to receive TestResult updates anytime the status of your tests changes.
maxCallbackRetries integer optional 3 The maximum number of attempts you want us to try when calling your "callback url" with updates, min. 0 and max. 5.
testIdTextType string optional ALPHA The type of testIdText to use in this test.
The allowed values are: ["ALPHA", "ALPHA_NUMERIC", "NUMERIC", "WHATSAPP_CODE"]
testIdTextCase string optional MIXED The case to use for letters in the testIdText. Applies only to ALPHA and ALPHA_NUMERIC types.
The allowed values are: ["UPPER", "LOWER", "MIXED"]
testIdTextLength integer (32) optional 10 The number of characters to use for generating the testIdText, min. 4 and max. 20.
Doesn't apply to WHATSAPP_CODE type, since it has a fixed length of 7.
testTimeToLiveInSeconds integer optional 3600 The maximum amount of time you want your tests to wait for a message, min. 60 (1 minute), max. 10800 (3 hours)

Response Body  

    "id": 894562,
    "phoneNumber": "33611223344",
    "testIdText": "zlrtyrvdl",
    "errorMessage": "null",
    "destinationNetwork": {
      "mcc": "206",
      "mnc": "10",
      "portedFromMnc": "20"
    "id": 894563,
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "testIdText": null,
    "errorMessage": "NETWORK_OFFLINE",
    "destinationNetwork": {
      "mcc": "716",
      "mnc": "06",

# or ...
      "id": 123399,
      "testIdText": "365450",
      "phoneNumber": "77055626363",
      "errorMessage": null,
      "destinationNetwork": {
          "mcc": "722",
          "mnc": "070",
          "portedFromMnc": null
  This returns a list of all tests that have been initialized. They contain some basic data, and the most important
  parameter, test id. You need the test it to request test results.
  List<Test> requestedTests =;
  You can get the test id this way. (For example)
  Long testId = requestedTests.get(0).getId();
# Each test initiation returns a JSON response, containing the test details.
# Most importantly, it contains the phoneNumber, testIdText, and id.
# You will need the (test) id to request the test results.

# You can get the test id (of the first test) this way:

test_id = requested_tests[0].get('id')

// You can get the test result (of the test with id 13777294) this way:
$result = $api->getManualTestResult(13777294);
echo 'Id: ', $result->getId(), PHP_EOL;

JSON Response Object Description

The response consists of an array of Test objects, containing each a destinationNetwork and details about the test request. Here is a description of each of the keys contained by a Test object:

Object/Key Data Type Description
destinationNetwork object Includes the network details for a destination you requested, for your identification purposes
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported from. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long and can be null
id integer (64) The id number of your test. You will need it to request your test results through our /test-results endpoint or identify results sent to your callback.
phoneNumber string The phone number you must use for performing your test. If null, it means the Network you requested was unavailable at the time of the test. The returned numbers it will always be in international format, without + or 00 in the beginning.
testIdText string The text you must send in the body of your test sms text, used by our systems to identify your test. The length of this string can vary.
errorMessage string A short description of any errors that prevented your test from being created.

Get MT test results

There are three ways to retrieve the MT test results via API:

  1. Using the /tests endpoint with the optional parameters (page, size, order, from and to) returning a page of test results

  2. Using the /tests/{id} endpoint while providing the (test) id returned during test creation returning an individual test result

  3. Providing a callback URL at test creation that will receive test results each time the test status changes. Described in the Callbacks section

Get MT test results page

This endpoint allows our users to:

  1. Navigate through all their test results.
  2. Filter for test results within a specified date range.
  3. Retrieve the most recent test results.

Pagination facilitates the navigation through all the test results. By configuring the order parameter, you can control the order in which the tests are displayed. By default, tests are sorted in descending order.



New in v3: You can now specify additional parameters in the URL, e.g.:

curl -X GET ""
  -H "accept: */*"


  Getting your test result would look like this. Presuming that testId is a variable of type Long
  that contains a test id.
  MtApiTestResultDto result =;

  // Get a page of test results
    PageConf pageConf = PageConf.builder()
    Instant from = Instant.parse("2023-09-13T12:47:00Z");
    Instant to = Instant.parse("2023-10-13T12:47:00Z");
    Page<MtApiTestResultDto> page =, from, to);
# Getting your test result would look like this:

test_result =
// today tests
$range = new RangeFilter(
    new DateTime('today 00:00:00'),
    new DateTime('today 23:59:59')
$page = 0;
$pageSize = 20;
$results = $api->getManualTestsResults($page, $pageSize, 'desc', $range);
echo 'Page: ', $results->getPage(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Size: ', $results->getSize(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Order: ', $results->getOrder(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Error: ', $results->getError() ?: 'empty', PHP_EOL;
foreach ($results->getContent() as $result) {
    echo 'Id: ', $result->getId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'TestIdText: ', $result->getTestIdText(), PHP_EOL;

Header Parameters  

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization

URL Path Parameters

Parameter Description
page Specifies the page number, starting from 0 for the first page
size Defines the number of items per page. The maximum page size is 1000 results
order Controls the sort order based on the specified field and direction
from Specifies the start date and time for the range filter, in UTC. ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)
to Specifies the end date and time for the range filter, in UTC. ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)

Response Body    

    "id": 120970,
    "testIdText": "fEgMxrKAEk",
    "senderDelivered": null,
    "textDelivered": null,
    "testCreatedAt": "2023-10-26T10:49:42.442454Z",
    "smsReceivedAt": null,
    "receiptDelay": null,
    "receiptStatus": "WAIT",
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "289",
        "mnc": "88",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "countryName": "Abkhazia",
        "providerName": "A-Mobile",
        "portedFromProviderName": null,
        "phone": "79407295193"
    "smscInfo": {
        "smscNumber": "79407777793",
        "countryName": null,
        "countryCode": null,
        "mcc": null,
        "mnc": null,
        "providerName": null
    "pdusDelivered": null
Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer (64) The id of this test
testIdText string The text identifier you sent in the body of your test SMS
senderDelivered string The sender id that was delivered with the test SMS to the phone
textDelivered string The text delivered in the test SMS to the phone
testCreatedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when the test request was created in UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
smsReceivedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our backend receives notification from our test app that the test SMS was received in the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
receiptDelay integer The number of seconds elapsed between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the message was delivered
receiptStatus string The current status of this test.
destinationNetworkDetails object Includes the network details for a destination you requested, for identification purposes
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you have tested. This value will always contain 3 digits
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you have tested. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported from
countryName string The country name of the destination you have tested
providerName string Provider name of the destination you have tested
portedFromProviderName string In case the provider has been ported, the name of the provider it has been ported from
phoneNumber string The phone number used for performing your test
smscInfo object This object contains details about the smsc that delivered the test SMS to the mobile device. We make our best effort to retrieve this data from the supplier, but all the values in this object could be null if they were unavailable
smscNumber string The smsc number that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryName string The country name for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryCode string The country code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS (ISO Alpha-2). Can be null if unavailable
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. This value will always contain 3 digits. Can be null if unavailable
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long. Can be null if unavailable
providerName string The providerName of the smsc that delivered the test sms. Can be null if unavailable
pdusDelivered array[string] An array of strings containing the Hexadecimal PDUs received by the device

Get individual MT test result

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the results of a specific test by its ID.

curl -X GET ""
  -H "accept: */*"


Parameter Description
id The unique identifier of the test. This id is returned by the POST /tests endpoint.

Response Body        

The response body is identical to the one in Get MT test results page.

Get MT test results via Callback

As an alternative to directly requesting the test results via our endpoints, you can also provide a callback URL at the test creation (resultsCallbackUrl).
Our system will then send to this callback URL the current status of the test each time it changes. You can see more details about the callback body in the Callbacks section.

Receipt Status

Status Final Status Description
WAIT no This status means we are waiting to receive the test sms in the device with the test number provide. This is the default state of new tests until the sms is received, the TTL expires or the device/network became unavailable
POSITIVE yes Test results change to this status when the test sms you sent through your system has been delivered to the mobile device
NOT_DELIVERED yes Means the TTL of this test has expired and a test sms was never received ont he mobile device
TEST_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE no This status is displayed when our test number has become unavailable, we will attempt to contact the phone again
TEST_NUMBER_OFFLINE yes The test number we provided has gone offline indefinitely, this is a final state and you will not be billed for this test
NETWORK_OFFLINE yes The network has gone offline for testing. You will not be billed for this test
INTERNAL_ERROR yes This means our systems have suffered an internal error and your test could not be completed. Please contact TelQ Support if this happens. You will not be billed for this test


This section documents how you can manage your SMPP Sessions on the TelQ Testing platform via our REST API.
You can create, update, delete and retrieve the list of all your existing sessions.
For details, please refer to the corresponding chapters of this section.

Create session

This endpoint allows you to create a new SMPP session on our platform.



Request body

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "hostIp": "",
    "hostPort": 2775,
    "systemId": "my_session",
    "password": "Pghks46i",
    "systemType": null,
    "throughput": 5,
    "destinationTon": 1,
    "destinationNpi": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "windowSize": 1,
    "useSSL": false,
    "windowWaitTimeout": 60000
LntApiCreateOrUpdateSessionDto sessionDto = LntApiCreateOrUpdateSessionDto.builder()
   .destinationNpi((byte) 0x01)
   .destinationTon((byte) 0x00)
LntApiSessionCreationResponseDto session = telqApi.lnt.createSession(sessionDto);
$session = $api->createSession(CreateUpdateSession::fromArray([
    'hostIp' => '',
    'hostPort' => 9998,
    'systemId' => 'login',
    'password' => 'password',
    'systemType' => null,
    'throughput' => 5,
    'destinationTon' => 1,
    'destinationNpi' => 1,
    'enabled' => false,
    'windowSize' => 1,
    'useSSL' => false,
    'windowWaitTimeout' => 60000
echo 'ID: ', $session->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Host: ', $session->getHostIp(), ':', $session->getHostPort(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'System ID: ', $session->getSystemId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'System type: ', $session->getSystemType(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Enabled: ', $session->getEnabled() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', PHP_EOL;v
sessionData = SessionData(
response = telq_api.session.create(sessionData)

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
hostIp string yes SMPP session domain or IP address
hostPort integer yes SMPP session port
systemId string yes SMPP session system_id,
1-16 characters, cannot contain space
password string yes SMPP session password,
1-9 characters, only latin characters and numbers are allowed
systemType string no null SMPP session system_type, max. 13 chars
throughput integer no 5 SMPP throughput in SMS per second,
allowed values [5-50]
destinationTon integer no 1 Allowed values [0, 1, 5]
destinationNpi integer no 1 Allowed values [0, 1]
enabled boolean no true Specifies whether the session will be enabled upon creation,
true or false
windowSize integer no 1 Allowed values [1-20]
useSSL boolean no false Specifies whether the session will use SSL,
true or false
windowWaitTimeout integer no 60000 Window wait timeout in ms,
min. 10000, max. 300000

Response body      

    "smppSessionId": 15388,
    "hostIp": "",
    "hostPort": 2775,
    "systemId": "my_session",
    "systemType": null,
    "enabled": true

JSON Response Object Description

The essential parameters are repeated from the corresponding create session request.
The most important parameter for the subsequent operations is the assigned smppSessionId:

Object/Key Data Type Description
smppSessionId long assigned unique SMPP session id

Update session

This endpoint allows you to update an existing session with the specified smppSessionId


Request body

curl -X PUT "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "smppSessionId": 15412,
    "hostIp": "",
    "hostPort": 2775,
    "systemId": "my_session_1",
    "password": "fh34ryQd",
    "systemType": null,
    "throughput": 7,
    "destinationTon": 1,
    "destinationNpi": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "windowSize": 1,
    "windowWaitTimeout": 60000,
    "useSSL": false
LntApiCreateOrUpdateSessionDto sessionDto = LntApiCreateOrUpdateSessionDto.builder()
   .destinationNpi((byte) 0x01)
   .destinationTon((byte) 0x00)
    'smppSessionId' => 20603,
    'hostIp' => '',
    'hostPort' => 9997,
    'systemId' => 'login',
    'password' => 'password',
    'systemType' => null,
    'throughput' => 5,
    'destinationTon' => 1,
    'destinationNpi' => 1,
    'enabled' => false,
    'windowSize' => 1,
    'useSSL' => false,
    'windowWaitTimeout' => 60000
sessionData = SessionData(


JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Description
smppSessionId long yes Unique identifier of the SMPP session
hostIp string yes SMPP session domain or IP address
hostPort integer yes SMPP session port
systemId string yes SMPP session system_id,
1-16 characters, cannot contain space
password string yes SMPP session password,
1-9 characters, only latin characters and numbers are allowed
systemType string no SMPP session system_type, max. 13 characters
if not specified, systemType will be set to null
throughput integer yes SMPP throughput in SMS per second,
allowed values [5-50]
destinationTon integer yes Allowed values [0, 1, 5]
destinationNpi integer yes Allowed values [0, 1]
enabled boolean yes Specifies whether the session will be enabled upon creation,
true or false
windowSize integer yes Allowed values [1-20]
useSSL boolean yes Specifies whether the session will use SSL,
true or false
windowWaitTimeout integer yes Window wait timeout in ms,
min. 10000, max. 300000

JSON Response Object Description

The update operation was successful if the 200 OK response is returned.

Delete session

This endpoint allows you to delete an existing session.




Parameter Description
smppSessionId Id of the session being deleted


curl -X DELETE "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The delete operation was successful if the 200 OK response is returned.

Retrieve individual session

This endpoint allows you to request information about an individual session object.



curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
LntApiSessionDto sessionWithUserDto = telqApi.lnt.getSessionById(15388L);
$session = $api->getSession(20603);
echo 'ID: ', $session->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Host: ', $session->getHostIp(), ':', $session->getHostPort(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'System ID: ', $session->getSystemId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'System type: ', $session->getSystemType(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Enabled: ', $session->getEnabled() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Throughput: ', $session->getThroughput(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Destination TON: ', $session->getDestinationTon(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Destination NPI: ', $session->getDestinationNpi(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Window size: ', $session->getWindowSize(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Window wait timeout: ', $session->getWindowWaitTimeout(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'SSL: ', $session->getUseSSL() ? 'YES' : 'NO', PHP_EOL;
echo 'User: ', $session->getUserId(), ' ', $session->getUserName(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Online: ', $session->getOnline() ? 'YES' : 'NO', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Suppliers: ', $session->getSupplierCount(), PHP_EOL;


Parameter Default Description
smppSessionId null Unique identifier of the SMPP session

Response body        

JSON Response Object Description

   "smppSessionId": 15388,
   "hostIp": "123.321.12.123",
   "hostPort": 2775,
   "systemId": "my_session",
   "systemType": null,
   "throughput": 5,
   "destinationTon": 1,
   "destinationNpi": 1,
   "enabled": true,
   "userId": 1,
   "userName": "userName",
   "online": false,
   "lastError": "Unable to connect to host [] and port [123] within 10000 ms",
   "windowSize": 1,
   "useSSL": false,
   "windowWaitTimeout": 60000,
   "supplierCount": 2
Object/Key Data Type Description
smppSessionId long Unique identifier of the SMPP session
hostIp string SMPP session domain or IP address
hostPort integer SMPP session port
systemId string SMPP session system_id
systemType string SMPP session system_type
throughput integer SMPP throughput in SMS per second
destinationTon integer [0, 1, 5]
destinationNpi integer [0, 1]
enabled boolean True if the session is currently enabled
userId long Unique identifier of the user that created this session
userName string Username of the user that created this session
online boolean True if the session is currently online
lastError string Returns the last error associated with this session
windowSize integer Window size, [1-20]
useSSL boolean True, if the session is using SSL protocol
windowWaitTimeout integer Window wait timeout in milliseconds
supplierCount integer Total number of suppliers assigned to this session object

Retrieve sessions page

This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about your existing sessions.
Pagination facilitates the navigation through the sessions, with the optional parameters page and size.



curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
PageConf pageConf = PageConf.builder()
Page<LntApiSessionDto> sessions = telqApi.lnt.getSessions(pageConf);
// first page, 20 items per page, sort - desc by id
$sessions = $api->getSessions(0, 20, 'desc');
echo 'Total count: ', $sessions->getTotalElements(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total pages: ', $sessions->getTotalPages(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
foreach ($sessions->getContent() as $session) {
    echo 'ID: ', $session->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Host: ', $session->getHostIp(), ':', $session->getHostPort(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'System ID: ', $session->getSystemId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'System type: ', $session->getSystemType(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Enabled: ', $session->getEnabled() ? 'ON' : 'OFF', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Throughput: ', $session->getThroughput(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Destination TON: ', $session->getDestinationTon(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Destination NPI: ', $session->getDestinationNpi(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Window size: ', $session->getWindowSize(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Window wait timeout: ', $session->getWindowWaitTimeout(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'SSL: ', $session->getUseSSL() ? 'YES' : 'NO', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'User: ', $session->getUserId(), ' ', $session->getUserName(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Online: ', $session->getOnline() ? 'YES' : 'NO', PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Suppliers: ', $session->getSupplierCount(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
telq_api.session.list(page=0, size=20).get('content')


Parameter Required Default Description
page no 0 Page number
size no 20 Amount of elements per page

Response body          

    "content": [
            "smppSessionId": 15415,
            "hostIp": "",
            "hostPort": 2775,
            "systemId": "session_132",
            "systemType": null,
            "throughput": 5,
            "destinationTon": 1,
            "destinationNpi": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "userId": 1,
            "online": true,
            "lastError": null,
            "windowSize": 1,
            "useSSL": null,
            "windowWaitTimeout": 60000,
            "supplierCount": 1
            "smppSessionId": 15414,
            "hostIp": "",
            "hostPort": 2775,
            "systemId": "session_131",
            "systemType": null,
            "throughput": 5,
            "destinationTon": 1,
            "destinationNpi": 1,
            "enabled": true,
            "userId": 2,
            "online": false,
            "lastError": "Unable to connect to host [] and port [122] within 10000 ms",
            "windowSize": 1,
            "useSSL": null,
            "windowWaitTimeout": 60000,
            "supplierCount": 1
        ... (more elements)
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "unsorted": false,
            "sorted": true,
            "empty": false
        "offset": 0,
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "paged": true,
        "unpaged": false
    "totalPages": 4,
    "last": false,
    "totalElements": 35,
    "sort": {
        "unsorted": false,
        "sorted": true,
        "empty": false
    "size": 10,
    "number": 0,
    "first": true,
    "numberOfElements": 10,
    "empty": false

JSON Response Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Description
content array Contains the list of corresponding session objects. The size of the list is determined by the size request parameter
pageable object Contains information about the corresponding paginated result such as: page number, sorting info, page size etc.
totalPages integer Total number of pages for the selected size of paginated response
last boolean True if the corresponding page is the last one
totalElements integer Total number of existing sessions
sort object Returns the sorting configuration of the page
size integer Amount of elements per page
number integer Current page number
first boolean True if the current page is the first
empty boolean True if there are no existing sessions

For detailed information about the session object within the content section, please refer to Retrieve individual session section.


This section documents how you can manage your Suppliers on the TelQ Testing platform via our REST API.
You can create, update, delete and retrieve the list of all your existing suppliers.
For details, please refer to the corresponding chapters of this section.

Create supplier

This endpoint allows you to create a new supplier and assign it to an existing session.



Request body  

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "smppSessionId": 15388,
    "supplierName": "My supplier",
    "routeType": "Wholesale",
    "attributeList": [
    "comment": "My first supplier",
    "serviceType": null,
    "tlv": [
            "tagHex": "ABCD",
            "valueHex": "AAAA"
    "udh": [
            "tagHex": "AB",
            "valueHex": "ABCD"
LntApiCreateOrUpdateSupplierDto supplierDto = LntApiCreateOrUpdateSupplierDto.builder()
     .attributeList(Arrays.asList(RouteAttribute.DLR, RouteAttribute.SPAM))
     .comment("comment text")
LntApiSupplierCreationResponseDto supplier = telqApi.lnt.createSupplier(supplierDto);
$supplier = $api->createSupplier(CreateUpdateSupplier::fromArray([
    'supplierName' => 'TestSupplier',
    'routeType' => 'direct',
    'attributeList' => ['TWO_WAY', 'P2P'],
    'comment' => null,
    'serviceType' => null,
    'tlv' => [
        new UdhTlv('1B1A', '1AAF')
    'udh' => [
        new UdhTlv('1F', '11BB')
    'smppSessionId' => 20602
echo 'Supplier ID: ', $supplier->getSupplierId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Session ID: ', $supplier->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Name: ', $supplier->getSupplierName(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Route type: ', $supplier->getRouteType(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Attributes: ', implode(', ', $supplier->getAttributeList()), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Service type: ', $supplier->getServiceType(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Comment: ', $supplier->getComment(), PHP_EOL;
supplierData = SupplierData(
    supplierName="test supplier",

response = telq_api.supplier.create(supplierData)
supplierId = response.get('supplierId')

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
smppSessionId long yes Id of the session to which the new supplier will be assigned
supplierName string yes Name of the supplier, max. 30 chars
Pre-defined values: [Direct, Wholesale, Premium, HQ, SIM, SS7, Other]
routeType string yes Route type of the supplier, max. 30 chars
attributeList array no null Attributes of the supplier.
comment string no null Custom comment associated with the supplier, max. 100 chars
serviceType string no null Service type of the supplier, max. 5 chars
tlv array no null An array of TLV values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex
udh array no null An array of UDH values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex

Response body  

    "supplierId": 1403,
    "smppSessionId": 15388,
    "supplierName": "My supplier",
    "routeType": "Wholesale",
    "attributeList": [
    "comment": "My first supplier",
    "serviceType": null

JSON Response Object Description

The essential parameters are repeated from the corresponding create supplier request. The most important parameter for the subsequent operations is the assigned supplierId:

Object/Key Data Type Description
supplierId long Assigned unique Supplier id

Update supplier

This operation allows you to update the existing supplier with the specified supplierId.



Request body    

curl -X PUT "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "supplierId": 1411,
    "supplierName": "supplier-123-123",
    "routeType": "Wholesale",
    "attributeList": [
        "P2P", "INTERNATIONAL"
    "comment": "comment 123",
    "serviceType": null,
    "tlv": [
            "tagHex": "BBBB",
            "valueHex": "BBBB"
    "udh": [
            "tagHex": "AA",
            "valueHex": "AAAA"
LntApiCreateOrUpdateSupplierDto supplierDto = LntApiCreateOrUpdateSupplierDto.builder()
  .attributeList(Arrays.asList(RouteAttribute.DLR, RouteAttribute.SPAM))
  .comment("comment text")
    'supplierId' => 73115,
    'supplierName' => 'TestSupplier',
    'routeType' => 'direct',
    'attributeList' => ['TWO_WAY', 'P2P'],
    'comment' => 'My comment',
    'serviceType' => null,
    'tlv' => [
        new UdhTlv('1B1A', '1AAF')
    'udh' => [
        new UdhTlv('1F', '11BB')
    'smppSessionId' => 20602
supplierData = SupplierData(
    supplierName="test supplier",

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
supplierId long yes Unique identifier of the supplier being updated
supplierName string yes Name of the supplier, max. 30 chars
routeType string yes Route type of the supplier, max. 30 chars
Pre-defined values: [Direct, Wholesale, Premium, HQ, SIM, SS7, Other]
attributeList array no null Attributes of the supplier.
comment string no null Custom comment associated with the supplier, max. 100 chars
serviceType string no null Service type of the supplier, max. 5 chars
tlv array no null An array of TLV values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex
udh array no null An array of UDH values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex

JSON Response Object Description

The update operation was successful if the 200 OK response is returned.

Delete supplier

This endpoint allows you to delete an existing supplier.




Parameter Description
supplierId Unique identifier of the supplier being deleted


curl -X DELETE "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The delete operation was successful if the 200 OK response is returned.

Re-assign Suppliers

This is a bulk operation that allows our users to re-assign a list of existing suppliers to another SMPP session.



Request body    

curl -X PUT "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "smppSessionId" : 15388,
    "supplierIds" : [1401, 1402, 1403]
Set<Long> supplierIds = new HashSet<>();
supplierIds.addAll(Arrays.asList(1401, 1402, 1403));

LntApiAssignSuppliersDto assignDto = LntApiAssignSuppliersDto.builder()

$supplierIds = [73115, 73113];
$sessionId = 20602;
$api->assignSuppliersToSession($supplierIds, $sessionId);
telq_api.supplier.assign(smpp_session_id=sessionId1, supplier_id_list=[supplierId])

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Description
smppSessionId long yes Unique identifier of the SMPP session to which all the specified suppliers will be assigned
supplierIds array yes An array of supplierId's of the user's suppliers which will be assigned to the specified session

JSON Response Object Description

The re-assign operation was successful if the 200 OK response is returned.

Retrieve individual supplier

This endpoint allows you to request information about an individual supplier object.




Parameter Default Description
supplierId null Unique identifier of the requested supplier
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
LntApiSupplierDto updatedSupplier = telqApi.lnt.getSupplierById(1411L);
$supplier = $api->getSupplier(73115);

JSON Response Object Description

   "supplierId": 1400,
   "supplierName": "Supplier 5",
   "routeType": "Wholesale",
   "attributeList": null,
   "comment": "no comment",
   "serviceType": null,
   "tlv": [],
   "udh": []
   "smppSessionId": 15405,
   "userId": 1
Object/Key Data Type Description
supplierId long Unique identifier of the supplier
smppSessionId long Unique identifier of the SMPP session to which the supplier is assigned
supplierName string Name of the supplier
routeType string Route type of the supplier
attributeList array Attributes of the supplier.
comment string Custom comment associated with the supplier
userId long Unique identifier of the user that created this supplier
serviceType string Service type of the supplier
tlv array An array of TLV values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex
udh array An array of UDH values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex

Retrieve suppliers page

This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about your existing suppliers.
Pagination facilitates the navigation through the suppliers, with the optional parameters page and size.




Parameter Default Description
page 0 Page number
size 20 Amount of elements per page
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
PageConf pageConf = PageConf.builder()
Page<LntApiSupplierDto> suppliers = telqApi.lnt.getSuppliers(pageConf);
// first page, 20 items per page, sort - desc by id
$suppliers = $api->getSuppliers(0, 20, 'desc');
echo 'Total count: ', $suppliers->getTotalElements(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total pages: ', $suppliers->getTotalPages(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
foreach ($suppliers->getContent() as $supplier) {
    echo 'Supplier ID: ', $supplier->getSupplierId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Session ID: ', $supplier->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Name: ', $supplier->getSupplierName(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Route type: ', $supplier->getRouteType(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Attributes: ', implode(', ', $supplier->getAttributeList()), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Service type: ', $supplier->getServiceType(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'UDH: ', count($supplier->getUdh()), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'TLV: ', count($supplier->getTlv()), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Comment: ', $supplier->getComment(), PHP_EOL;
    echo 'User: ', $supplier->getUserId(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;

Response body      

    "content": [
            "supplierId": 1425,
            "supplierName": "test-supplier-public-api1",
            "routeType": "Wholesale",
            "attributeList": [
            "comment": "comment",
            "serviceType": null,
            "tlv": [],
            "udh": [],
            "smppSessionId": 10588,
            "userId": 2726
            "supplierId": 1424,
            "supplierName": "testSession",
            "routeType": "Wholesale",
            "attributeList": [
            "comment": null,
            "serviceType": null,
            "tlv": [],
            "udh": [],
            "smppSessionId": 10588,
            "userId": 2726
            "supplierId": 1423,
            "supplierName": "supplier999",
            "routeType": "Wholesale",
            "attributeList": null,
            "comment": null,
            "serviceType": null,
            "tlv": null,
            "udh": null,
            "smppSessionId": null,
            "userId": 850
        ... (more elements)
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "unsorted": false,
            "sorted": true,
            "empty": false
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "paged": true,
        "unpaged": false
    "totalPages": 1,
    "last": true,
    "totalElements": 63,
    "sort": {
        "unsorted": false,
        "sorted": true,
        "empty": false
    "first": true,
    "numberOfElements": 63,
    "size": 100,
    "number": 0,
    "empty": false

JSON Response Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Description
content array Contains the list of corresponding supplier objects. The size of the list is determined by the size request parameter
pageable object Contains information about the corresponding paginated result such as: page number, sorting info, page size etc.
totalPages integer Total number of pages for selected size of paginated response
last boolean True if the corresponding page is the last one
totalElements integer Total number of existing suppliers
sort object Returns the sorting configuration of the page
size integer Amount of elements per page
number integer Current page number
first boolean True if the current page is the first page
empty boolean True if the are no existing suppliers

For detailed information about the supplier object within the content section, please refer to the Retrieve individual supplier section

Retrieve suppliers status list

This endpoint allows you to retrieve live information about your suppliers and their corresponding sessions to check their current availability.




Parameter Default Description
page 0 Page number
size 20 Amount of elements per page
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
PageConf pageConf = PageConf.builder()
Page<LntApiSessionsSuppliersStatusResponse> suppliersStatusResponsePage =
$pairs = $api->getSessionsSuppliers(0, 20, 'desc');
echo 'Total count: ', $pairs->getTotalElements(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total pages: ', $pairs->getTotalPages(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
foreach ($pairs->getContent() as $pair) {
  echo 'Supplier ID: ', $pair->getSupplierId(), PHP_EOL;
  echo 'Session ID: ', $pair->getSmppSessionId(), PHP_EOL;
  echo 'Name: ', $pair->getSupplierName(), PHP_EOL;
  echo 'Route type: ', $pair->getRouteType(), PHP_EOL;
  echo 'Attributes: ', implode(', ', $pair->getAttributes()), PHP_EOL;
  echo 'Online: ', $pair->getOnline() ? 'YES' : 'NO', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;

Response body        

    "content": [
            "smppSessionId": 313,
            "supplierId": 809,
            "supplierName": "My supplier",
            "routeType": "Direct",
            "online": true,
            "attributeList": []
            "smppSessionId": 313,
            "supplierId": 810,
            "supplierName": "My other supplier",
            "routeType": "Wholesale",
            "online": false,
            "attributeList": []
        ... (more elements)
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "unsorted": false,
            "sorted": true,
            "empty": false
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 100,
        "offset": 0,
        "paged": true,
        "unpaged": false
    "totalPages": 1,
    "last": true,
    "totalElements": 63,
    "sort": {
        "unsorted": false,
        "sorted": true,
        "empty": false
    "first": true,
    "numberOfElements": 63,
    "size": 100,
    "number": 0,
    "empty": false

JSON Response Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Description
content array Contains the list of corresponding session-supplier objects (described below). The size of the list is determined by the size request parameter
pageable object Contains information about the corresponding paginated result such as: page number, sorting info, page size etc.
totalPages integer Total number of pages for the selected size of paginated response
last boolean True if the corresponding page is the last one
totalElements integer Total number of existing objects
sort object Returns the sorting configuration of the page
size integer Amount of elements per page
number integer Current page number
first boolean True if the current page is the first one
empty boolean True if there are no existing session-supplier objects

JSON Response Object Description (individual session-supplier object)

Object/Key Data Type Description
routeType string Route type of the supplier
online boolean True if the corresponding session is now online
smppSessionId long Unique identifier of the corresponding SMPP session
supplierName string Name of the supplier
supplierId long Unique identifier of the supplier
attributeList array Attributes of the supplier.

Live Number Testing

Create LNT tests

This endpoint allows you to trigger Live number testing tests via API, in batches or individually.



Header Parameters      

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization
results-callback-token null If you would like to authenticate our Test Results Callbacks, you can send an authentication token in this parameter. It will be included as the Authorization bearer token of the callbacks we make to your server.

Request Body      

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "tests": [
            "sender": "Google",
            "text": "G-{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your Google verification code",
            "testIdTextType": "NUMERIC",
            "testIdTextLength": 6,
            "supplierId": 17,
            "mcc": "603",
            "mnc": "01",
            "portedFromMnc": "01"
        // ...more tests
    "resultsCallbackUrl": "",
    "maxCallbackRetries": 2,
    "dataCoding": "01", // [00, 01, 03, 08, F0]
    "sourceTon": "02", // [00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06]
    "sourceNpi": "12", // [00, 01, 03, 04, 06, 08, 09, 0A, 0E, 12]
    "testTimeToLiveInSeconds": 600,
    "smppValidityPeriod": 120,
    "scheduledDeliveryTime": "2209131247000000", // format YYMMDDhhmmsstnnp
    "replaceIfPresentFlag": 0,
    "priorityFlag": 1,
    "sendTextAsMessagePayloadTlv": 0,
    "commentText": "Optional comment",
    "tlv": [{
        "tagHex":"1B1A", // only HEX values (2 bytes length)
        "valueHex":"1AAF" // only HEX values
        "tagHex":"1F", // only HEX values (1 byte length)
        "valueHex": "11BB" // only HEX values
// single test
LntApiTestRequestDto testRequestDto = LntApiTestRequestDto.builder()
  .text("Hello, World!")

// advanced options
testRequestDto = LntApiTestRequestDto.builder()
  .commentText("my comment")
    .text("Hello, World!")

LntApiCreateTestResponseDto testsCreated = telqApi.lnt.createTests(testRequestDto);
tests = [Test(
    text="This is sample message",
use TelQ\Sdk\Models\Lnt\LiveNumberTest;
use TelQ\Sdk\Models\Lnt\LiveNumberTests;
use TelQ\Sdk\Models\UdhTlv;

$sendTests = LiveNumberTests::fromArray([
    'tests' => [
            'sender' => '123456789',
            'text' => 'Hello, World!',
            'testIdTextType' => 'NUMERIC',
            'testIdTextCase' => 'MIXED',
            'testIdTextLength' => 6,
            'supplierId' => 6,
            'mcc' => '412',
            'mnc' => '88'
    'resultsCallbackUrl' => '',
    'maxCallbackRetries' => 3,
    'dataCoding' => '01',
    'sourceTon' => '01',
    'sourceNpi' => '02',
    'testTimeToLiveInSeconds' => 360,
    'smppValidityPeriod' => 360,
    'scheduledDeliveryTime' => new DateTime('2022-09-13 12:47:00'),
    'replaceIfPresentFlag' => 0,
    'priorityFlag' => 1,
    'sendTextAsMessagePayloadTlv' => 0,
    'commentText' => 'my comment',
    'tlv' => [
        new UdhTlv('1B1A', '1AAF')
    'udh' => [
        new UdhTlv('1F', '11BB')
$response = $api->sendLiveNumberTests($sendTests);
# Specifying the phone number directly ...
    "tests": [
            "sender": "Google",
            "text": "G-{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your Google verification code",
            "testIdTextType": "NUMERIC",
            "testIdTextLength": 6,
            "supplierId": 17,
        // ...more tests

JSON Request Object Description Test Group

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
tests array required The list of Live number tests that will be created
tlv array no null An array of TLV values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex
udh array no null An array of UDH values defined in HEX format for the supplier as: tagHex and valueHex
dataCoding string no SMPP data_coding parameter
The allowed values are: [00, 01, 03, 08, F0]
If not specified, our system will determine the appropriate setting based on the sender and text parameters
sourceTon string no SMPP source_addr_ton parameter
The allowed values are: [00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06]
If not specified, our system will determine the appropriate setting based on the sender parameter
sourceNpi string no SMPP source_addr_npi parameter
The allowed values are: [00, 01, 03, 04, 06, 08, 09, 0A, 0E, 12]
If not specified, our system will determine the appropriate setting based on the sender parameter
priorityFlag byte no 1 SMPP priority_flag parameter
smppValidityPeriod int no null SMPP validity_period parameter in s,
min. 60(1 min) and max. 86400(1 day)
testTimeToLiveInSeconds int no 3600 The time to live (TTL) for the test, in seconds,
min. 60(1 min) and max. 10800(3h)
commentText string no null Custom comment associated with the test
resultsCallbackUrl string no null Callback URL to receive all the status updates of the tests
maxCallbackRetries int no 3 The maximum number of retries for the callback,
min. 0 and max. 5
replaceIfPresentFlag boolean no false SMPP replace_if_present_flag parameter
sendTextAsMessagePayloadTlv boolean no false Send text as message payload TLV
scheduledDeliveryTime string no null SMPP schedule_delivery_time parameter

JSON Request Object Description Test

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
sender string required The sender with which the test SMS will be submitted
text string required The text of the test SMS.
Use {TEST_ID_TEXT} as a placeholder to place the test id text anywhere within the text.
supplierId string required The unique identifier of the user's supplier via which the test SMS will be sent
mcc string required The MCC mobile country code of the test destination
mnc string required The MNC mobile network code of the test destination
portedFromMnc string optional null The ported from network code of the test destination
phoneNumber string optional null As an alternative to specifying the MCC-MNC of a network, you can also specify the test number directly.
Please note that we do not recommend testing external phone numbers since they do not have our software installed, which means that we cannot retrieve the Receipt confirmation from them.
We consider an external number a number which is not part of our test number pool.
testIdTextType string optional "ALPHA_NUMERIC" The test ID text type parameter
The allowed values are: "ALPHA", "ALPHA_NUMERIC", "NUMERIC", "WHATSAPP_CODE"
testIdTextCase string optional "MIXED" The test ID text case parameter
The allowed values are: "UPPER", "LOWER", "MIXED"
testIdTextLength string optional 6 The test ID text length parameter, min. 4, max. 20

JSON Request Object Description TLV

Object/Key Data Type Description
tagHex string The TLV tag
valueHex string The TLV value

JSON Request Object Description UDH

Object/Key Data Type Description
tagHex string The UDH tag
valueHex string The UDH value

Response Body      

// Response body
    "tests": [
            "id": 1151236,
            "testIdText": "iFnRrJ",
            "phoneNumber": "79407295193",
            "destinationNetwork": {
                "mcc": "289",
                "mnc": "88",
                "portedFromMnc": null
            "errorMessage": null
    "error": null

JSON Object Description Create Test Response

Object/Key Data Type Description
tests array The list of Live number testing tests that were created
error string A short description of any errors that prevented the test group from being created

JSON Object Description Test

Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer The unique identifier of your test. You will need it to request your test results via our /tests endpoint or to identify results sent to your callback
testIdText string The text identifier included in the body of your test SMS
phoneNumber string The phone number used for performing your test. If null, it means the Network you requested was unavailable at the time of the test. The returned numbers will always be in international format, without + or 00 in the beginning
destinationNetwork object Includes the network details for the destination you requested, for your identification purposes
errorMessage string A short description of any errors that prevented the test from being created

JSON Object Description Destination Network

Object/Key Data Type Description
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported from. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long and can be null

Get LNT test results

There are three ways to retrieve the LNT test results via API:

  1. Using the /lnt/tests endpoint with the optional parameters (page, size, order, from and to) returning a page of test results

  2. Using the /lnt/tests/{id} endpoint while providing the (test) id returned during test creation returning an individual test result

  3. Providing a callback URL at test creation that will receive test results each time a test status changes. Described in the Callbacks section

Get LNT test results page

This endpoint allows our users to:

  1. Navigate through all their test results.
  2. Filter for test results within a specified date range.
  3. Retrieve the most recent test results.

Pagination facilitates the navigation through all the test results. By configuring the order parameter, you can control the order in which the tests are displayed. By default, tests are sorted in descending order.




Parameter Required Default Description
page no 0 Specifies the page number, starting from 0 for the first page
size no 20 Defines the number of items per page. The maximum page size is 1000 results
order no DESC Controls the sort by id based on the specified direction
from no null Specifies the start date and time for the range filter, in UTC. ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)
to no null Specifies the end date and time for the range filter, in UTC. ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)
show_message_ids no false Controls whether the submit_sm_resp message id(s) will be included in the response body

Sample uses of the optional parameters

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Retrieving the most recent test results:


curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
  PageConf pageConfig = PageConf.builder()
  Page<LntApiTestResultDto> tests = telqApi.lnt.getTestPage(pageConfig, null, null);
telq_api.lnt.get_test_results(date_from, date_to, page=1, size=20, order="asc")
$results = $api->getLiveNumberTestsResults(0, 1000, 'asc');

Retrieving test results using the optional parameters for page, size and order:


curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
  Page<LntApiTestResultDto> tests = telqApi.lnt.getTestPage(
$range = new RangeFilter(
    new DateTime('2023-10-18 10:14:04'),
    new DateTime('2023-10-18 10:14:08')
$results = $api->getLiveNumberTestsResults(0, 1000, 'desc', $range);

Filtering for test results within a specified date range:


curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

To retrieve the most recent test result, specify the size parameter as 1:


Response Body

    "content": [
            "id": 1013798,
            "testIdText": "590359",
            "senderSent": "Google",
            "senderDelivered": "Google",
            "textSent": "G-{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your Google verification code.",
            "textDelivered": "G-590359 is your Google verification code.",
            "testCreatedAt": "2023-10-18T10:14:04.038983Z",
            "smppSessionId": 1,
            "supplier": {
                "supplierId": 6,
                "supplierName": "TelQ",
                "routeType": "Wholesale"
            "smsReceivedAt": "2023-10-18T10:14:08.038983Z",
            "receiptStatus": "POSITIVE",
            "dlrStatus": "DELIVERED",
            "receiptDelay": 4,
            "dlrDelay": 7,
            "scheduledTaskId": null,
            "destinationNetworkDetails": {
                "mcc": "204",
                "mnc": "16",
                "portedFromMnc": null,
                "countryName": "Netherlands",
                "providerName": "T-Mobile",
                "portedFromProviderName": null,
                "phoneNumber": "31639654167",
                "manualNumber": null
            "smscInfo": {
                "smscNumber": "+46707990043",
                "countryName": "Sweden",
                "countryCode": "SE",
                "mcc": "240",
                "mnc": "07",
                "providerName": "Tele2"
            "retry": false,
            "messageIds" : [
                    "messagePart": 1,
                    "messageId": "LnSvLdvnu2"
                    "messagePart": 2,
                    "messageId": "MqklIiC2lw"
                    "messagePart": 3,
                    "messageId": "bfVH28Nu4X"
            "pdusDelivered": [
            "user": {
                "id": 2837,
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "username": "TelQ_Demo",
                "fullName": "TelQ Telecom"
        // more tests ...
    "page": 0,
    "size": 20,
    "order": "asc",
    "error": null
JSON Request Object Get Tests Response
Object/Key Data Type Description
content array The list of Live number testing tests
page string The page number
size string The page size
order string The sorting order
error string The error message
JSON Request Object Test
Object/Key Data Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the test
testIdText string The test ID text
senderSent string The submitted sender
senderDelivered string The sender delivered to our test device
textSent string The submitted text
textDelivered string The text delivered to our test device
testCreatedAt string The test creation timestamp ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)
smppSessionId number The ID of SMPP session via which the test was sent
supplier object The supplier object
smsReceivedAt string The timestamp of the SMS received ISO 8601 format (2018-10-28T19:34:50.63Z)
receiptStatus string The Receipt status
dlrStatus string The DLR status
receiptDelay number The Receipt delay
dlrDelay number The DLR delay
scheduledTaskId number The Scheduled task ID in case the test was triggered by a scheduled task
destinationNetworkDetails object The destination network details object
smscInfo object The SMSC info object
retry boolean True if this test was a retry (backup test)
messageIds object The optional Message Ids object
pdusDelivered array The list of PDUs delivered to our test device
user object The user who sent the test
JSON Request Object Supplier
Object/Key Data Type Description
supplierId number The unique identifier of the supplier
supplierName string The name of the supplier
routeType string The route type of the supplier
JSON Request Object Destination Network Details
Object/Key Data Type Description
mcc string The MCC mobile country code
mnc string The MNC mobile network code
portedFromMnc string The ported from network
countryName string The country name
providerName string The provider name
portedFromProviderName string The ported from provider name
phoneNumber string The test phone number
manualNumber boolean True if the number was manually specified
JSON Request Object SMSC Info
Object/Key Data Type Description
smscNumber string The SMSC number
countryName string The country name
countryCode string The country code
mcc string The MCC mobile country code
mnc string The MNC mobile network code
providerName string The provider name
JSON Request Object Message Ids
Object/Key Data Type Description
messagePart number Message part number
messageId string Message id of the corresponding message part received in the submit_sm_resp body
JSON Request Object User
Object/Key Data Type Description
id number The unique user identifier
email string The user's email
username string The user's username
fullName string The user's full name

Get individual LNT test result

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the results of a specific test by its ID.

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
LntApiTestResultDto test = telqApi.lnt.getTestById(1155470L);


Parameter Description
id The unique identifier of the test. This id is returned by the POST /tests endpoint.

Response Body

    "id": 1013798,
    "testIdText": "590359",
    "senderSent": "Google",
    "senderDelivered": "Google",
    "textSent": "G-{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your Google verification code.",
    "textDelivered": "G-590359 is your Google verification code.",
    "testCreatedAt": "2023-10-18T10:14:04.038983Z",
    "smppSessionId": 1,
    "supplier": {
        "supplierId": 6,
        "supplierName": "TelQ",
        "routeType": "Wholesale"
    "smsReceivedAt": "2023-10-18T10:14:08.038983Z",
    "receiptStatus": "POSITIVE",
    "dlrStatus": "DELIVERED",
    "receiptDelay": 4,
    "dlrDelay": 7,
    "scheduledTaskId": null,
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "204",
        "mnc": "16",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "countryName": "Netherlands",
        "providerName": "T-Mobile",
        "portedFromProviderName": null,
        "phoneNumber": "31639654167",
        "manualNumber": null
    "smscInfo": {
        "smscNumber": "+46707990043",
        "countryName": "Sweden",
        "countryCode": "SE",
        "mcc": "240",
        "mnc": "07",
        "providerName": "Tele2"
    "retry": false,
    "pdusDelivered": [
    "user": {
        "id": 2837,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "username": "TelQ_Demo",
        "fullName": "TelQ Telecom"

The response body is identical to the one in Get LNT test results page.

Get LNT test results via Callback

As an alternative to directly requesting the test results via our endpoints, you can also provide a callback URL at the test creation (resultsCallbackUrl).
Our system will then send to this callback URL the current status of the test each time it changes. You can see more details about the callback body in the Callbacks section below.

CLI Testing

Get CLI testing networks



curl -X GET ""
  -H "accept: application/json"

You can use some or all the optional parameters mcc, mnc and portedFromMnc to filter the list of networks:


This endpoint retrieves the list of Networks currently available for CLI testing.
The returned values (mcc, mnc, portedFromMnc) will be used in the /tests endpoint to request test numbers. Test call should then be triggered from your system to these numbers to perform the tests.

Header Parameters    

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization


Parameter Required Default Description
mcc no null Return only the networks with this MCC.
mcc is the Mobile Country Code, as defined by The ITU-T Recommendation E.212. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc no null Return only the networks with this MNC.
mnc is the Mobile Network Code, as defined by The ITU-T Recommendation E.212. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc no null Return only the networks ported from this MNC.
You may set this parameter to null to select only non-ported networks.

Response body    

The above command returns:

        "mcc": "732",
        "countryName": "Colombia",
        "mnc": "154",
        "providerName": "Virgin Mobile (MVNO)",
        "portedFromMnc": "101",
        "portedFromProviderName": "Claro"
        "mcc": "470",
        "countryName": "Bangladesh",
        "mnc": "02",
        "providerName": "Airtel",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "portedFromProviderName": null

JSON Request Object Get Networks

Object/Key Data Type Description
mcc string The Mobile Country Code
mnc string The Mobile Network Code
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code of the network from which the number has been ported
countryName string The name of the country
providerName string The name of the provider
portedFromProviderName string The name of the provider from which the number has been ported

Create CLI tests



This Endpoint receives a list with the Destination Networks where you want to send your tests. For each requested network, a test will be created if the network is still available at the time of the test request. Keep in mind that networks can go offline sometimes after the results from the /networks endpoint have been returned.

Header Parameters    

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization
results-callback-token null If you would like to authenticate our Test Results Callbacks, you can send an authentication token in this parameter. It will be included as the Authorization bearer token of the callbacks we make to your server.

Request Body        

Request example:

  "destinationNetworks": [
      "mcc": "732",
      "mnc": "154",
      "portedFromMnc": "101"
  "resultsCallbackUrl": "",
  "maxCallbackRetries": 1,
  "testTimeToLiveInSeconds": 120

JSON Request Object Description

Object/Key Data Type Required Default Value Description
destinationNetworks array required The list of networks you want to issue tests to. Empty or null value will return an error
mcc string required The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits
mnc string required The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string optional null The Mobile Network Code from which the number you are requesting was ported from
resultsCallbackUrl string optional null The callback URL where you would like to receive TestResult updates anytime the status of your tests changes
maxCallbackRetries integer optional 3 The maximum number of attempts you want us to try when calling your "callback url" with updates, min. 0 and max. 5
testTimeToLiveInSeconds integer optional 60 The maximum amount of time you want your tests to wait for a call, min. 60 (1 minute), max. 600 (10 mins)

Response Body        

// Response body
  "tests": [
        "id": 108,
        "phoneNumber": "33611223344",
        "destinationNetwork": {
            "mcc": "712",
            "mnc": "01",
            "portedFromMnc": "045"
        "errorMessage": null
    "error": null

JSON Object Description Create Test Response

Object/Key Data Type Description
tests array The list of CLI testing tests that were created
error string A short description of any errors that prevented the test group from being created

JSON Object Description Test

Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer The unique identifier of your test. You will need it to request your test results via our /tests endpoint or to identify results sent to your callback
phoneNumber string The phone number used for performing your test. If null, it means the Network you requested was unavailable at the time of the test. The returned numbers will always be in international format, without + or 00 in the beginning
destinationNetwork object Includes the network details for the destination you requested, for your identification purposes
errorMessage string A short description of any errors that prevented the test from being created

JSON Object Description Destination Network

Object/Key Data Type Description
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you requested a test to. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long.
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported from. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long and can be null

Get test result


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the results of a specific test by its ID.

curl -X GET "{testId}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


Header Parameters        

Parameter Default Description
Authorization null The Bearer Token for authorization

Response example:

    "id": 170,
    "testCreatedAt": "2024-06-04T15:17:41.090834Z",
    "callReceivedOnPhoneAt": "2024-06-04T15:18:06.106Z"
    "callReceivedOnServerAt": "2024-06-05T16:08:27.617361897Z",
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "732",
        "mnc": "154",
        "portedFromMnc": "101",
        "countryName": "Colombia",
        "providerName": "Virgin Mobile (MVNO)",
        "portedFromProviderName": "Claro",
        "phoneNumber": "5513974217124"
    "receiptStatus": "RECEIVED",
    "receiptDelay": 25,
    "CLI": "01719354273",
    "userId": 1234

Response body      

Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer (64) The test ID of this test
testCreatedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when the test request was created in UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:20.973465Z)
callReceivedOnPhoneAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our test app detected the test call on the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:58.650Z)
callReceivedOnServerAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our backend received the notification about the test call received on the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:59.598971270Z)
destinationNetworkDetails object Includes the network details of the destination of the test call
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported
countryName string The country name for the destination network
providerName string The provider name for the destination network
portedFromProviderName string The provider name from which the number you requested was ported
phoneNumber string Test number used for the test call
receiptStatus string The current status of this test.
receiptDelay integer The amount of seconds between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the call was received
CLI string The Calling Line Identification (CLI) used for the test call
userId string The ID of the user that sent this test


Callbacks are available for Manual testing and Live number testing test results.

In addition to test result callbacks, we also offer the option to request Scheduler alert callbacks within our UI. The body of such Scheduler alert callback can be found in the Scheduler alert section.

Manual testing  

If you provided a valid callback URL in your /tests request, our system will send a POST request to the specified endpoint with a TestResult object anytime the status of your test changes.

Header Parameters    

Parameter Description
Authorization If a callback URL is present and you provided a value for the results-callback-token header parameter in your tests request, the results-callback-token value will be included as the Authorization value on the callbacks we make to your system so your endpoint can validate the authenticity of the calls.

Callback Request Details

The POST body of a callback contains JSON structured like this:

  "id": 23,
  "textDelivered":"irrgprny fgsfgsd",
  "destinationNetwork": {
    "mcc": "206",
    "mnc": "10",
    "portedFromMnc": "20"
Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer (64) The id of this test
testIdText string The text identifier you sent in the body of your test SMS
senderDelivered string The sender id that was delivered with the test SMS to the phone
textDelivered string The text delivered in the test SMS to the phone
testCreatedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when the test request was created in UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
smsReceivedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our backend receives notification from our test app that the test SMS was received in the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
receiptDelay integer The number of seconds elapsed between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the message was delivered
receiptStatus string The current receipt status of this test. Options are: WAIT, POSITIVE, NOT_DELIVERED, TEST_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE, INTERNAL_ERROR,TEST_NUMBER_OFFLINE or NETWORK_OFFLINE. See detailed description here
destinationNetwork object Includes the network details for a destination you requested, for your identification purposes
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported from
smscInfo object This object contains details about the smsc that delivered the test SMS to the mobile device. We make our best effort to retrieve this data from the supplier, but all the values in this object could be null if they were unavailable
smscNumber string The smsc number that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryName string The country name for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryCode string The country code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS (ISO Alpha-2). Can be null if unavailable
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. This value will always contain 3 digits. Can be null if unavailable
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the smsc that delivered the test SMS. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long. Can be null if unavailable
providerName string The providerName of the smsc that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
pdusDelivered array[string] An array of strings containing the Hexadecimal PDUs received by the device

Live number testing  

If you provided a valid callback URL in your /tests request, our system will send a POST request to the specified endpoint with a TestResult object anytime the status (either DLR or Receipt) of your test changes.

Alternatively, you can provide a valid callback URL in our UI within the Integration settings / API menu.

Header Parameters      

Parameter Description
Authorization If a callback URL is present and you provided a value for the results-callback-token header parameter in your tests request, the results-callback-token value will be included as the Authorization value on the callbacks we make to your system so your endpoint can validate the authenticity of the calls.

Callback Request Details  

The POST body of a callback contains JSON structured like this:

    "id": 4246,
    "testIdText": "249165",
    "senderSent": "IMO",
    "senderDelivered": "IMO",
    "textSent": "{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your code",
    "textDelivered": "249165 is your code",
    "testCreatedAt": "2020-02-13T17:01:54.352886Z",
    "sessionId": 8,
    "supplier": {
        "supplierId": 17,
        "supplierName": "GT",
        "routeType": "DIRECT"
    "smsReceivedAt": "2020-02-13T17:03:54.352886Z",
    "receiptStatus": "POSITIVE",
    "dlrStatus": "DELIVERED",
    "receiptDelay": 10,
    "dlrDelay": 9,
    "scheduledTaskId": null,
    "testIdTextType": "NUMERIC",
    "testIdTextCase": null,
    "testIdTextLength": 6,
    "destinationNetworkDetails": {
        "mcc": "427",
        "mnc": "01",
        "portedFromMnc": null,
        "countryName": "Qatar",
        "providerName": "Ooredoo",
        "portedFromProviderName": null,
        "phone": "97450775267",
        "manualNumber": null
    "smscInfo": {
        "smscNumber": "+97477922224",
        "countryCode": "QA",
        "mcc": "427",
        "mnc": "02",
        "providerName": "Vodafone"
    "retry": false,
    "pdusDelivered": [
    "username": "example-telecom"
Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer (64) The test ID of this test
testIdText string The text identifier sent in the body of your test SMS
senderSent string The Sender ID that was sent with the test SMS to the phone
senderDelivered string The Sender ID that was delivered with the test SMS to the phone
textSent string The text sent in the test SMS to the phone
textDelivered string The text delivered in the test SMS to the phone
testCreatedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when the test request was created in UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
sessionId integer (64) The ID of the SMPP session via which this test was sent
supplier object The details of supplier used to send this test
smsReceivedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our backend received notification from our test app that the test SMS was received in the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2020-02-13T17:05:27Z)
receiptStatus string The current status of this test.
dlrStatus string Delivery report received from the supplier via SMPP
receiptDelay integer The number of seconds elapsed between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the message was delivered
dlrDelay integer The number of seconds between the time when we received the confirmation that the SMS has been submitted (submit_sm resp) and the time when we receive the DLR in our system (deliver_sm)
scheduledTaskId integer The ID of the scheduled task that triggered this test
destinationNetworkDetails object Includes the network details of the destination to which the test SMS was sent
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported
phone string Test number to which the test SMS was sent
smscInfo object This object contains details about the SMSC that delivered the test SMS to the mobile device.
We make our best effort to retrieve this data from the supplier, but this object can be null if no information is available
smscNumber string The SMSC number that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryName string The country name for the SMSC that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
countryCode string The country code for the SMSC that delivered the test SMS (ISO Alpha-2). Can be null if unavailable
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the SMSC that delivered the test SMS. This value will always contain 3 digits. Can be null if unavailable
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the SMSC that delivered the test SMS. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long. Can be null if unavailable
providerName string The providerName of the SMSC that delivered the test SMS. Can be null if unavailable
retry boolean True if this test was a retry
pdusDelivered array[string] An array of strings containing the Hexadecimal PDUs received by the test device
username string The username of the user that sent this test

CLI testing  

If you provided a valid callback URL in your /tests request, our system will send a POST request to the specified endpoint with a TestResult object anytime the status of your test changes.

Header Parameters        

Parameter Description
Authorization If a callback URL is present and you provided a value for the results-callback-token header parameter in your tests request, the results-callback-token value will be included as the Authorization value on the callbacks we make to your system so your endpoint can validate the authenticity of the calls.

Callback Request Details    

The POST body of a callback contains JSON structured like this:

  "id": 170,
  "testCreatedAt": "2024-06-04T15:17:41.090834Z",
  "callReceivedOnPhoneAt": "2024-06-04T15:18:06.106Z"
  "callReceivedOnServerAt": "2024-06-05T16:08:27.617361897Z",
  "destinationNetworkDetails": {
    "mcc": "732",
    "mnc": "154",
    "portedFromMnc": "101",
    "countryName": "Colombia",
    "providerName": "Virgin Mobile (MVNO)",
    "portedFromProviderName": "Claro",
    "phoneNumber": "5513974217124"
  "receiptStatus": "RECEIVED",
  "receiptDelay": 25,
  "CLI": "01719354273",
  "userId": 1234
Object/Key Data Type Description
id integer (64) The test ID of this test
testCreatedAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when the test request was created in UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:20.973465Z)
callReceivedOnPhoneAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our test app detected the test call on the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:58.650Z)
callReceivedOnServerAt string (ISO 8601) Timestamp for when our backend received the notification about the test call received on the phone. Time is UTC using the ISO 8601 standard (e.g., 2024-06-07T10:19:59.598971270Z)
destinationNetworkDetails object Includes the network details of the destination of the test call
mcc string The Mobile Country Code for the destination you want to test. This value will always contain 3 digits.
mnc string The Mobile Network Code for the destination you want to test. This value can be 2 to 3 digits long
portedFromMnc string The Mobile Network Code from which the number you requested was ported
countryName string The country name for the destination network
providerName string The provider name for the destination network
portedFromProviderName string The provider name from which the number you requested was ported
phoneNumber string Test number used for the test call
receiptStatus string The current status of this test.
receiptDelay integer The amount of seconds between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the call was received
CLI string The Calling Line Identification (CLI) used for the test call
userId string The ID of the user that sent this test

Scheduler alert

Callback URL

The Callback URL can be added within our UI in the last step of the scheduler task configuration. This URL is where the API will send a callback request if any reporting rules apply.

The callback will contain the report data structured as shown below.

  "reportId": 1,  // Unique identifier for the report
  "createdAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z", // ISO 8601 formatted date and time when the report was created
  "scheduledTaskId": 12345,
  "scheduledTaskTitle": "Austria&Germany", // Title of the scheduled task
  "testId": 1029746, // Identifier for the associated test
  "senderId": "Google",
  "text": "G-{TEST_ID_TEXT} is your Google verification code.",
  "phone": "50687058156",
  "sessionId": 2130,
  "supplier": {
    "supplierId": 6,
    "supplierName": "Telq", // Name of the supplier
    "routeType": "RT"  // Type of route used
  "reportRule": {
    "receiptStatus": "NOT_DELIVERED", // Current status of the test (refer to the list of available test statuses)
    "receiptStatusWaitingTimeSec": 3600, // Time in seconds to wait for a test status change (range: 1-86400, here representing 1 hour)
    "dlrStatus": "UNKNOWN", // Current state of the message (refer to the list of available message states)
    "dlrStatusWaitingTimeSec": 3600 // Time in seconds to wait for a message state change (range: 1-86400, here representing 1 hour)
  "receiptDelay": 6,
  "dlrDelay": 7,
  "callbackUrl": ""
Object/Key Description
reportId Unique identifier of the report
createdAt ISO 8601 formatted date and time when the report was created
scheduledTaskId Unique identifier of the corresponding Scheduled task
scheduledTaskTitle Title of the corresponding scheduled task
testId Unique identifier of the associated test
senderId Sender of the corresponding test
text Text of the corresponding test
phone Test number that was used for the corresponding test
sessionId Unique identifier of the SMPP session via which the corresponding test was sent
supplier Supplier object
supplierId Unique identifier of the Supplier via which the corresponding test was sent
supplierName Name of the supplier
routeType Route type of the supplier
reportRule Scheduler alert rule object
receiptStatus Receipt status rule that triggered this alert
receiptStatusWaitingTimeSec Time in seconds to wait for this Receipt status change (range: 1-86400, here representing 1 hour)
dlrStatus DLR status rule that triggered this alert
dlrStatusWaitingTimeSec Time in seconds to wait for this DLR status change (range: 1-86400, here representing 1 hour)
receiptDelay The number of seconds elapsed between the test request creation and when our system received the information from the test number that the message was delivered
dlrDelay The number of seconds between the time when we received the confirmation that the SMS has been submitted (submit_sm resp) and the time when we receive the DLR in our system (deliver_sm)
callbackUrl The callback URL at which the Scheduler alert is being received

Available Receipt and DLR statuses

Status Status Type Description
WAIT Rec.status Initial Receipt status
POSITIVE Rec.status Test message was delivered without any modification or error
NOT_DELIVERED Rec.status No SMS was received during TTL (default 1 hour) on our test device
SENDER_REPLACED Rec.status Sender differs in received SMS. Status may be overwritten by TEXT_REPLACED
TEXT_REPLACED Rec.status Text differs in received SMS. Overwrites SENDER_REPLACED
TEST_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE Rec.status Applies if the test number becomes unavailable during the test. This is an intermediate status and can be overwritten
INTERNAL_ERROR Rec.status This status is set when some unexpected error happens during test execution. This is a final status
TEST_NUMBER_OFFLINE Rec.status Final Receipt status
NETWORK_OFFLINE Rec.status We don't have any available test numbers in the chosen destination at the moment. This is a final status
SMPP_SESSION_OFFLINE Rec.status The SMPP connection was offline when attempting to send this test
NO_DLR_RECEIVED Rec. status The SMS was submitted correctly, but we didn’t receive any deliver_sm within the set time limit (test TTL)
PARTIALLY_DELIVERED Rec. status For concatenated messages, when we received a deliver_sm for some of the message parts, but not for all the parts
SUBMIT_SM_FAILED Rec. status We didn't receive the positive submit_sm_resp back from the SMS platform within the time limit (60s)
PENDING DLR status Default TelQ DLR status, returned when no DLR has been received from the SMS platform and the TTL of the test has not yet expired


The TelQ Telecom API version 3 uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your appId, appKey or token is incorrect.
404 Not Found -- The specified TestResult could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to a method not supported by our API
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't JSON.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our service. Please contact our support team for assistance.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.